Click & Collect

  • When will my order be ready to collect?

    Click and Collect orders will generally be ready to collect by the next business day of completing your purchase. Your selected store will send you an email when your items are ready. When paying with a credit card it may take an additional 1 - 2 business days before your order is ready for collection.

  • Where is my Click and Collect order?

    Michael Hill works hard to protect our customer'’s personal and financial information from being used in a fraudulent manner. We undertake efforts to verify the security and privacy of all orders. For this reason, it usually takes a minimum of 1-2business days for orders to be finalised and ready for collection.

    For additional assistance regarding your order, please visit our website to chat live with our Customer Concierge team.

  • Can I show up early?

    Your selected store will email to notify you that your order is ready to collect. If you show up before this time your item won’t be available to collect.

  • What do I need to bring when I pick up my order?

    Please bring your order information along with photo I.D. that matches the name on your order.

  • Can someone else collect my order?

    No, To ensure the security of your order, it must be collected by the same person whose name appears on the order.

  • How long will you keep my item?

    We will hold onto your item for one month. At that time, if your item has not been collected your order will be cancelled and refunded to the method used to pay for the order.

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